So! We are hosting our first ever "Go Make Something Sparkly"....Workshop for Creative Girlz! These workshops are going to be very similar to what they will look like in our very own "The Glitter Girlz Creative Studio". The first one is going to be in Vernon Hills and will be "Pajama Ramma" themed event! We are limiting space to 30 little chicas this first go other words, GET ON IT WOMAN and sign your little bambinos up! The party will be two hours and the girls will be making decorative pillows for their bedrooms. This is a BRAND NEW PROJECT! If you've been to one of our birthday parties -you haven't made this, we promise! This event is perfect for groups of girls or for girls to come and meet new friends! The details are below, please email the address below for hotel and conference room location!
WHO: Girls 8+, space is limited to 30 girls. Parents are welcome to stay or pick their girls up at 8:00pm sharp :-)
WHAT: Creative Workshop....this ain't no popsicle stick and paste crafting session, this is the real Glitter Girl deal! Each girl will make a unique pillow to match her room or her own personal style. Each girl will also go home with a "GGz Swag Bag" (thats just a cool way to say goodie bag).
WHERE: Hotel conference room in Vernon Hills, please email for exact location.
WHEN: Friday August 7 6:00pm-8:00pm
WHY: To have fun and encourage girls to create something awesome from their imagination!
HOW: The Glitter Girl Gang will instruct and assist your girlz in their creative endeavors. Jodie and myself will also both be in attendance and leading this first session!
PRICE: The cost is $30 per girl and must be registered ahead of time via email. WORKSHOPZ@THEGLITTERGIRLZ.COM
This is going to be off the heezy fresheezy! We are thrilled to be able to bring creative entertainment to your girlz. It will be a night to celebrate and encourage each other in creativity. Its going to be wacky fun!
Later Gator!
If there's giltter, I'm there!